I can't really comprehend what is happening in Japan.
I watch the news, hear people's stories on the radio and see these intense images online and I get overwhelmingly teary.
But then something happens in my day and I forget it all. The media is so god damn strange how it can effect you so strongly for a moment like that, but if it's not immediately effecting you or your family, the overwhelming feeling can vanish.
And whilst I can switch on and off from these feelings, there are so many people who can't escape, living in makeshift shelters in freezing conditions.
Ebony from Hello Sandwich has collated her Japanese cute knowledge into a wrapping paper zine. It's a really fun piece to look at and she is donating all the money raised to the Red Cross to help rebuild Japan so really worth the purchase.
She also has alot on her blog about other places to donate.
My heart goes out to you all in Japan.
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